Cleveland Midway - Part of Cleveland’s 
Separated Bikeway Network

City Planning Commission

Cleveland Midway

The Midway is a vision for connected bikeways across the City of Cleveland that physically separate bicycle riders from vehicles using treatments such as landscaping or other amenities. The first Midway segment, the Superior Midway, will provide a safe, convenient, and comfortable link along Superior Avenue between E. 55th Street and Public Square.

At A Glance: Where We Are

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The Midway is a vision for connected bikeways across the City of Cleveland that physically separate bicycle riders from vehicles using treatments such as landscaping or other amenities. The first Midway segment, the Superior Midway, will provide a safe, convenient, and comfortable link along Superior Avenue between E. 55th Street and Public Square.

The Midway

Project Background

The citywide Midway separated bicycle network was studied by the Cleveland City Planning Commission in 2016 as part of the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency’s (NOACA) Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) Program. Building on the preliminary work of Bike Cleveland and the YMCA, the plan studied the technical feasibility, programming, and strategic implementation of separated bikeways in Cleveland. 



Superior Midway Map


In 2017, Superior Avenue between East Roadway and East 55th Street was selected as the pilot corridor for implementation (approximately 2.4 miles long). NOACA has awarded the City of Cleveland a total of $19.6 million ($8,329,000 in 2018 and $11.3 million in 2022) of federal funds for the construction of the Superior Avenue Midway. Traffic analysis was completed in March, 2020, to assess access requirements and safety along the corridor. In April, 2022, the City of Cleveland is working with the Ohio Department of Transportation to select a consultant for design and community engagement for the Superior Midway segment

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Benefits of the Midway

The Superior Midway proposes a continuous 10’-wide sidewalk-level cycle track within a 26’ wide median. Gaps in the Midway median would occur at major signalized intersections. Minor intersections would become T-intersections. Two lanes of traffic would be maintained in each direction, with dedicated left turn lanes at intersections. Traffic signals would be updated with dedicated traffic signal heads for the cycle track, and possible Transit Signal Priority (TSP) for RTA buses.

This provides a safe and comfortable east-west bicycle and pedestrian connection for riders of all ages, abilities, and socioeconomic levels to access Cleveland’s downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. The Superior Midway is located along an RTA priority corridor, facilitating multimodal travel and convenient transfers from foot to bike to transit.

Benefits of Midway


Pre-Design Engagement

In the Summer of 2022, the City hosted a short series of pre-design engagement meetings and distributed a survey to business stakeholders along Superior Avenue to share information about the project, to better understand business access needs, and to respond to questions. Click here for slides from the meeting presentations, and view a recording of one of the meetings below.

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