The Community Programming Bureau assists the Department in active outreach to the community through the following offices:
- Office of Fair Housing
- Office of Consumer Affairs
- Office of Community Engagement
- Office of Financial Empowerment and Bank Relations
- Middle Neighborhoods Initiative
This Bureau serves as the Department’s central unit focused on community outreach, public-facing community information, and resident support. Develops and implements a community engagement strategy to involve community development organizations, neighborhoods organizations, and citizens in City programs.
Universal Home Repair Application
One application provides residents one access point where home repair needs are matched with available grants and resources to address home repair, rehabilitation, and other household needs.
Fair Housing
Conducts analysis, develops and maintains the City’s Housing Equity Plan required by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to proactively address factors that cause, increase, contribute to, maintain, or perpetuate segregation, racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, significant disparities in access to opportunity, and disproportionate housing needs.
Consumer Protection
Supervise the execution and enforcement of all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to consumer affairs and protection. Work with governmental agencies and private consumer groups to ensure the protection of consumers and to coordinate activities for the common municipal good.
Community Engagement
Manages a team of community engagement specialists that performs outreach to residents and property. Specialists survey residential structures and parcels to determine condition, and support residents seeking to connect with Community Development programs.
Financial Empowerment and Bank Relations
The office of Financial Empowerment and Bank Relations engages partners to connect residents to financial resources, and engages with banks to encourage investment in Cleveland's neighborhoods and improve residents' access to banking products.
Middle Neighborhoods Initiative
Designs, implements, operates, and monitors Middle Neighborhoods programs funded with federal or non-federal resources.