Office of the Inspector General

Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

Appointed by the Mayor, the Public Safety Inspector General reports directly to the Chief Director of Public Safety.

The OIG assists the Division with the following tasks:

  • Reviewing Division policies and practices for compliance with all relevant standards and to determine whether each promotes both officer and public safety.
  • Performing policy compliance audits.
  • Investigating and analyzing trends, including making recommendations for reform concerning Division policies, procedures, practices, training, and equipment to improve service and accountability.
  • Analyzing the investigations conducted by the Office of Professional Standards.
  • Analyzing and assessing disciplinary trends within the Division.

Reports and recommendations for reform are made public.

Persons wishing to file a complaint regarding a member of the Division should consult this page: Complaint Process.


  • Inspector General
  • Deputy Inspector General / Senior Policy Analyst
  • Executive Assistant / Paralegal

OIG Publications