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Mayor Bibb announces appointments to Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Board of Trustees

Thursday, Mar 09, 2023

Thursday, March 9, 2023 – Cleveland – This week, Mayor Justin M. Bibb announced two new appointments to the Board of Trustees for the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA). Pending approval from Cleveland City Council, Calley Mersmann and Jeffrey Weston Sleasman will both serve 3-year terms ending in March 2026.  
Current board members Valarie McCall and Luz Pellot will conclude their terms of service this month. 
“I send my gratitude to both Valarie and Luz for their dedicated work on the GCRTA Board of Trustees,” said Mayor Bibb. “I am confident that Calley and Jeffrey will continue to be valuable partners in their new roles, furthering the vision of providing equitable, accessible and efficient transit for our residents and riders.”  
About the Board Appointees: 
Calley Mersmann is the Senior Strategist of Transit and Mobility at the City of Cleveland. As the first person to hold this role at the City, her responsibilities include developing transit-supportive policies, practices, and projects at the City; cultivating a strong interagency partnership with GCRTA; and directing the City’s transit and mobility work toward achieving equitable, accessible, safe, and sustainable movement for all Clevelanders. Mersmann previously served for four years with the City Planning Commission as Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator. 
Mersmann holds an MPA with concentrations in Local Government and Sustainable Development from Indiana University. She is a regular GCRTA rider and bicycle commuter. 
Jeffrey Weston Sleasman is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Boussole, LLC, a consumer goods startup focused on biomedical technologies. He is an active member of Clevelanders for Public Transit, a rider’s organization that supports and promotes affordable, accessible, reliable, and environmentally and financially sustainable public transportation in Northeast Ohio. Sleasman is particularly engaged by the potential for land use and mobility decisions, including provision of reliable, affordable, and convenient public transportation, to advance equitable economic advancement. 
He holds an MBA with a focus on Strategy and Entrepreneurship from The Ohio State University and has been a dedicated transit rider for over 30 years.