group of individuals dressed in football uniforms celebrate

Thursday is Glenville Tarblooder Day in Cleveland

Tuesday, Dec 06, 2022

Join us for a parade and rally to celebrate the Division IV state champions! 
WHEN: Thursday, December 8, 2022 — motorcade at 10 a.m. and rally at 11 a.m. 
WHERE: City of Cleveland Public Hall, 500 Lakeside Ave E, Cleveland, OH 44114  
WHAT: Join us for a citywide celebration of Glenville’s incredible 15-0 season, culminating in the first OSHAA state championship by a Cleveland Metropolitan School District football team.  
The motorcade parade will travel from Glenville High School to Cleveland Public Hall for a team rally and victory party. The route will follow St. Clair Avenue, to Ontario Street, to Lakeside Avenue. 
Wear red, white, and black and come out to celebrate our hometown team! 

The celebration will also be livestreamed at Cleveland Metropolitan School District - YouTube 
WHO: The 2022 Division IV State Champion Tarblooders, Coach Ted Ginn, Mayor Justin M. Bibb, CMSD CEO Eric Gordon, Council President Blaine Griffin, Councilman Kevin Conwell, Councilman Anthony Hairston, Councilman Mike Polensek, and leaders from the city, CMSD, and the community.  
RSVP: Members of the media RSVP to Marie Zickefoose at 
Please note all rally attendees will pass through a magnetometer prior to entering Public Hall. Here is a list of prohibited items.