
Paul Barrett - Chief Finance Officer


The Department of Finance provides financial management services that protect the fiscal integrity of the city to maintain an appropriate financial base that allows us to deliver an effective level of City services. The Department reports on the expenditure of public funds in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and Codified Ordinances of Cleveland. 

The Department of Finance also upholds a respected credit rating in the financial community and assures taxpayers that the City of Cleveland is well managed by using prudent financial management strategies and providing financial support to all City Departments.

The Department is composed of thirteen Divisions, all of which practice generally accepted financial management principles in a manner consistent with the guidelines required by the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, City Council, and the Mayor’s Office. Finance Administration supervises the activities of each Division, helping to maintain a high level of efficiency, productivity, and professionalism.

2025 Mayor's Estimate

2024 Budget Book

2024 Mayor's Estimate


On the Cuyahoga County Auditor's website at

Interested parties should visit Room 128 to review the bid board, drop off information, and/or schedule a meeting with a Buyer.

If you are from a minority, female owned, or small business, consider becoming listed in the CSB/MBE/FBE/LGBTBE Registry, which is a listing of all Certified CSB/MBE/FBE/LGBTBE Businesses. This registry is used by the Buyers to develop bid lists and also by contractors looking for subcontractors. Qualified vendors are urged to apply for this important certification.

Employees can sign up for direct deposit by completing an Authorization Agreement for Automatic Payroll Deposits, also referred to as a direct deposit card. To complete the card, employees will need to supply their financial institution's name, routing information, account number, and type. A deposit ticket or voided check should be attached to the direct deposit card if possible. This will help to ensure that the correct account information is input into the payroll system. The employee's signature and social security number, along with the current date, are also required on the card.

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