Building Construction Permitting Overhaul
Mayor Bibb is committed to making Cleveland a better place to do business, which is why, on July 25, 2024, he signed Executive Order 2024-01, a public commitment to overhauling the building construction permitting process in the City of Cleveland. Over the next year, the public will experience changes to processes and technology - all designed to make these processes easier to navigate, more transparent, and more efficient. This dashboard details the City's progress on implementing the process improvements required to make this overhaul a reality.
What to Expect
We are BUILDING a better construction permitting process for you!
Plan more Accurately!
- Permit resources provide all the information you need to apply.
- Time estimates are provided so you know how long your application will take.
- Applications reviewed for completeness at submission to avoid delays.
- Pre-development meetings for complex projects clarify questions and establish alignment on requirements.
Always know where your application stands!
- Check the progress of your permit application online any time.
- View all comments made by application reviewers on building plans in one place.
- Get email notification if your application requires additional information.
Start your project sooner!
- Technology upgrades and process improvements increase the speed of application review.
- Applications can be submitted and paid for online.
- Construction plans are submitted and reviewed digitally.
- Permits can be downloaded at your business or home.