Certificates of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy is a legal document issued by the Department of Building and Housing that certifies compliance with both the Ohio Building Code and the City of Cleveland Building Code and ordinances. The document identifies the legal use of an establishment, occupant load, allowable load, zoning district, and any special conditions relating to the use of the establishment. It is not the same as a permit or rental registration certificate.
When a Certificate is Required
A Certificate of Occupancy is required for new construction, change in use of an existing structure or establishment, extensive renovations and/or rehabs that include altering the building use, additions that would change the use classification, and repairs to fire-damaged and condemned structures.
When a Renewal Is NOT Required
If there aren’t any changes (extensive alternations or additions, change in use, fire, or anything that will change the classification or construction type of the structure/building), the certificate of occupancy remains active and does not need to be renewed. It is linked to the structure, not the owner, and a new owner may obtain a certificate of occupancy in their name by paying $60 for the name change.
Obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy
In order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy, the building owner must submit their golden rod sign-off sheet to the Department of Building and Housing, City Hall, room 517. The sign-off sheet must include signatures from the Building Inspector, Fire Inspector, and any applicable Mechanical Inspectors.
The golden rod sign-off sheet is included in the permit process when the permit is secured. The $60 certificate of occupancy fee is usually paid during the permit process. If you did not receive a sign-off sheet during the permit process, you may pick one up from the Division of Permit Construction, City Hall, room 505. The sign-off sheet will list required approvals and signatures that must be obtained by the applicant. The applicant must retain the sign-off sheet until approvals have been secured.
Once the building has been inspected and sign-offs and approvals are secured, the completed sign-off sheet may be submitted to the Department of Building and Housing, Records Administration, Room 517.;If the certificate of occupancy was not paid for during the permit process, $60 will be required when submitting the golden rod sign-off sheet. An additional $60 is required if you are applying for a Time- Limited certificate of occupancy, or multiple certificates of occupancy that were not captured in the original permit process. Initiating the certificate of occupancy process begins when the completed sign- off sheet is submitted to Records Administration, Room 517.
Time-Limited Certificate of Occupancy
A Time-Limited Certificate of Occupancy may be approved by the Chief Building Official for using part of a structure if it is safe to occupy and does not pose any danger or have life-threatening violations.
Proper inspections and approvals are required for Time-Limited Certificates of Occupancy. The fee is $60.00 per 30 days. If additional time is needed, the owner is required to write a letter to the Chief Building Official at the address above identifying what is needed to complete the project. If additional time is granted, an additional $60 is required.