Department of Building & Housing


City Hall room 505 at 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. The office is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Call 216.664.2910 or send an email.

Yes, Please visit the Citizen Access site. The website is as follows: 

You do not need a permit to paint and perform minor maintenance or repairs. However, a permit is required to reroof; apply siding; install gutters, doors and windows; or build decks, porches and ramps. A residential permit is also required to finish basements and attics and for electrical, plumbing and HVAC work. The homeowner’s affidavit form is required with each homeowner’s permit application. You can get the forms here.

There are three ways you can check:Visit the permit guide page hereContact the Department of Building and Housing at 216.664.2910Send an email

General Permit Fees

An electrical permit is required. Call the inspector whose name and number appears on the permit to make an appointment. Once approved, the city will call the power company and your service will be turned on.

Yes. A site plan indicating the property boundaries, location, height, type of fence and its proximity to neighboring structures on adjacent properties, and application is required. For more information, see the fence regulations and sample residential site plan.

No application or permit is required from the Building Department for a chicken coop or beehive unless the coop, cage, or enclosure is permanently affixed to the ground or another structure, or is more than 32 square feet in area or 8 feet in height. A license from the Health Department (216.664.2300), however, is required.

No, but once you have a contractor, you can confirm their registration by calling 216.664.2884.

All Building and Housing forms, including contractor registration forms can be found here. To register as an electrical, plumbing or HVAC contractor, you must first be licensed by the State of Ohio. For information call the Industry Licensing Board at 614.644.3493.

Do not ignore the notice, to avoid prosecution and demolition (of condemned properties) all violations must be corrected. You have the right to appeal the violation notice at the Board of Building Standards, room 516 at Cleveland City Hall. For more information on the appeal process call 216.664.2418. Once the permit is issued you have 30 days to correct the violations. Click Here for instructions on filing appeals

You can file an appeal for an extension of time at the Board of Building Standards in room 516 at Cleveland City Hall or call 216.664.2418.  Click Here for instructions on filing appeals

Secure all necessary permits (Building, Electrical, Plumbing and HVAC). Correct all of the items on the violation notice and obtain a Certificate of Occupancy.

Fill out a complaint form and fax it to 216.420.7582 or call 216.664.2007 or come to City Hall room 517 between the hours of 9am and 3pm.

The Certificate of Disclosure gives the code enforcement history of dwelling units (up to 4) to buyers, sellers and escrow/transferring agents for real estate transactions prior to closing. There is a $60.00 fee for the service.

A legal document issued by the Department of Building and Housing which certifies compliance with the Ohio Building Code and the City of Cleveland Building Code. It outlines the legal use of an establishment, the occupant load, the allowable load, and any special conditions relating to the use of the establishment.

Rental property within the City of Cleveland must be registered every year. There is an annual fee of $70.00 per unit. 

Do not ignore the notice. To avoid additional late fees, and/or prosecution, pay your rental registration when you receive the invoice.

Yes, but only if it is continuing education within the same field of training you've received thru the Older Youth program. 

This division inspects structures in order to enforce building, housing and zoning codes. In addition to inspecting for new construction and alterations, it investigates complaints, obtains warrants, addresses structures which are not in code compliance and prosecutes code enforcement cases.

Once a complaint is received, an exterior property inspection is conducted. If the complaint is valid, a violation notice is issued to the owner of the property. The City has identified Concentrated Inspection Areas where inspectors inspect property in a proactive, more systematic manner. If violations exist, a violation notice is issued giving the property owner time to make corrections. If the violations are not corrected in consultation with the Department of Law, legal proceedings may be initiated against the property owner. For minor misdemeanor violations, inspectors have the ability to issue tickets.

Don’t panic! but, Don't ignore it. Remember, this is a “notice” that violations exits on your property. Most violation notices will give you a 30 day period in which to correct your violations. During the 30 days, you may correct the violations or apply for a permit if needed. If you are going to need more time to address your violations, you must, within the 30 day period, appeal your notice to the Board of Building Standards located at City Hall room 516. The violation notice will also have the name, number and email for the inspector that issued the notice. Please contact your inspector.

This means your property has been inspected and determined to be uninhabitable. The property file will then be submitted to the City Law department for demolition approval once the 30 day appeal time has expired. This usually results from a serious fire, maintenance neglect or the structure has been compromised and dangerous. if you wish to rehabe the property once it is condemned, bring your rehab plan along with your violation notice to the Building and Housing department room 505. you can then obtain the necessary permits to bring the property into compliance. Please note; if the property is considered an imminent danger to lives or personal property, it will be abated at the owners expense.

Permits are required for all new construction, additions, alterations, demolitions.   (See Permit Requirements Online) but, minor repairs to structures may be made without application or notice to the Building Department. Minor repairs can include patching walls and leaking roof coverings, pointing masonry, replacement of shingles, siding and floorboards, where the patching, pointing or replacement is of the same material and the scope of replacement is limited to 10 percent of the wall, floor, ceiling, roof or other building components. Replacement of window units is an alteration requiring a permit. (Please see permit requirements online for a list)

For minor misdemeanor violations, inspectors have the ability to issue tickets. These may include; trash, debris, high grass and weeds, unlicensed or inoperable vehicles and maintenance issues on or around the property. The reverse side of the ticket will include the fine and payment options. You have the option for a court appearance to make a plea.