Division of Water Pollution Control | City of Cleveland Ohio

Division of Water Pollution Control

Department of Public Utilities

Division of Water Pollution Control

Water Pollution Control (WPC) protects the environment and health of Cleveland residents and visitors by providing sewer maintenance and stormwater management for the City of Cleveland. Our mission is to provide superior leadership, excellent customer service, and innovative stormwater and wastewater infrastructure management for a safe and sustainable environment.

WPC is responsible for:

  • the wastewater and stormwater collection systems,
  • minimizing or eliminating potential street and basement flooding,
  • controlling contaminants that flow into local waterways, including the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie.

The sewer collection system in Cleveland is comprised of 1,435 miles of sewer lines, approximately 43,500 catch basins/storm drains, and 11 pump stations. This system transfers sanitary sewage and stormwater from its points of origin to three local wastewater treatment facilities owned and operated by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.

WPC is charged by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency with managing and supervising matters relating to the elimination, control, and regulation of water pollution within the city of Cleveland. As stormwater manager, WPC has enforcement authority to set fines and even halt water service. 

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