The City collects up to three (3) bulk items per home, on that home’s regular collection day during the first full week of each month. Bulk/Bulky waste is:
- Too large to fit in the trash cart
- Not plant materials
- Not hazardous (flammable/toxic/corrosive)
Examples of bulk/bulky waste include appliances drained of coolants and fluids, tables, chairs, dressers, mattresses, couches, and large boxes. To protect workers from bedbugs, lice, and other parasites, mattresses and cloth furniture must be wrapped in plastic when set out on the curbside for collection.
Residents may drop -off bulk/bulky waste, free of charge, four (4) times per year at the Ridge Road Transfer Station. Loads are limited to four (4) cubic yards per visit. The average full-size pickup truck bed filled to the top holds about two (2) cubic yards, while a truck bed filled to the height of the cab would be about four (4) cubic yards. Trailers used for dropping off waste may not be larger than 4 feet by 8 feet (4’X8’).