In accordance with Ordinance 3106, enacted in February, 2024, all vacant properties are now required to register and pay an annual registration fee of $70 per unit for 1-3 dwelling units or $1000 for all commercial (which includes 4+ family residential buildings) and industrial structures.
In addition to the registration fees, a cash bond may be required for commercial and industrial structures. Buildings that are 10,000 square feet or less require a cash bond of $5000, buildings that are 10,000 square feet or larger, require a cash bond of $15,000. This cash bond must be maintained throughout the period of vacancy. The funds can be used by the city to abate nuisance conditions at the property. If this occurs, you will be required to replenish the bond. Property owners may apply for an exemption from the bond requirement under certain conditions. Exemptions will be valid until the next annual registration.
Some of these factors include:
- Property is not boarded and is not open or vandalized
- Property has not been boarded by the City within the last 3 years
- Property is not condemned
- No valid complaints received on the property within the last 3 years
- Permits have been obtained to correct violations and there is substantial work being performed
- Property taxes are current
Point of Sale inspection required for 1-3 family vacant units
An exterior inspection will be required prior to a sales transaction of a vacant 1-3 family property . This inspection is valid for up to one year. To arrange for an inspection, please contact us via email at: In order to transfer a vacant 1-3 family property, an assumption of violations form must be received from the buyer by the city. Buyers will have six months to repair the property, unless hazardous conditions at the property are determined to warrant immediate correction. Six month extensions will be granted with progress. A Certificate of Correction must be obtained to complete the process.
Registering Your Vacant Property
To comply with the Vacant Property Registry, follow the steps below to register your property through the online portal. Create an account on:
The following information is required at the time of registration:
- Ownership Information
- Lien Holder Information (if applicable)
- Local Agent in Charge: None residents of Cuyahoga County or the surrounding area, must designate a local agent that will be responsible for the property’s condition. Affidavit form is available on the City of Cleveland website.
- Certificate of Good Standing: If property is in LLC ownership
- Property Tax Statement or Payment Plan Schedule
- Governmental Entity Declaration (if applicable to receive exemption)
- Bond Exemptions Condition Form
Applicants will receive a vacant property registration account number and receipt upon completion of the online registration. additional information will be communicated via email.
Tip Sheet: Vacant Property Registration Instructions
For further assistance please contact us at (216) 664-2585 or email at
Violation of any provision of this chapter or of the rules and regulations issued hereunder shall be fined not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense. Every day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.

"Vacant, abandoned, and deteriorated properties reduce the value of surrounding properties, leading to decreases in owners’ equity and personal wealth. In Cleveland, Ohio, properties within 500 feet of a vacant, tax-delinquent, and foreclosed property lost 9.4 percent of their value."
How Vacant and Abandoned Buildings Affect the Community," Center for Community Progress, March 24, 2023