The Department of Law is committed to providing quality legal services to the City of Cleveland.
The Department of Law is empowered by Chapter 15 of the City of Cleveland Charter. Under the Director of Law, the department represents and provides legal advice to the Mayor, City Council, and all City departments and commissions. In addition to protecting taxpayer dollars, the Department of Law prosecutes crimes in an effort to improve the quality of life for the City’s residents and visitors.
The Department consists of nearly 100 employees across both the Criminal and Civil Divisions. Our attorneys are some of Cleveland’s best legal minds with an array of backgrounds and experiences.
Note: The City of Cleveland Law Department does not provide legal services or legal advice to private parties.

Ethics Office
In April of 2022, Mayor Justin M. Bibb launched a Citywide initiative to uphold integrity and trust in the City of Cleveland government.
How do I contest a parking ticket or a photo infraction?
If you believe that your ticket was issued in error, you have a right to contest the ticket. Full instructions are available on the Parking Violations Bureau website.
How long will it take for my claim to be decided?
It depends on the type of claim and when it is filed. Moral Claims are presented at the Moral Claims Commission in May and November. They approve or deny claims by majority vote. You will be notified of their decision in writing. Legal Claims take up to 12 weeks. This includes reviewing, researching, gathering documents, taking statements from witnesses, and rendering a decision. You will be advised of the decision in writing.
Who can I call for further information regarding damage claims?
- Utility Claims, including shut-offs, meter readings, and damage to property from Cleveland Public Power, Divisions of Water and Water Pollution Control: 216.664.2859
- Construction Claims, including vehicle damage due to construction cuts or street/sidewalk digging: 216.664.2859
- Property damage and pothole claims: including vehicle and property damage caused by Police vehicles, EMS or the Division of Fire: 216.664.2859