Tree Damaged Sidewalk Project Traffic Advisory
Cleveland Corporation Limit
(Ward 1 & Ward 12)
Expect additional traffic notices as improvements continue
CLEVELAND – On March 24, 2025, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Tree Damaged Sidewalk Program will begin throughout Wards 1 & 12. This project repairs sidewalk locations on multiple City streets which have been damaged by City tree roots and will occur on those streets that were part of the 2024 City Residential Resurfacing Program. The improvements include sidewalk removal and replacement, root pruning and/or the removal of trees, if necessary. If a City tree must be removed a new tree will be planted at no charge to the resident.
Each location where the program will be implemented will receive notification of the work by placing door hangers before the work is scheduled to begin and a second one if a tree is scheduled for removal.
During the work, traffic and pedestrian access may be temporarily restricted or delayed due to the contractor’s operations. Two-way traffic will be maintained. Pedestrian traffic may be limited to one side of the street.
Motorist should be alert for traffic signage and flaggers used to direct traffic at the designated sidewalk repair work sites.
Should there be any questions, please contact Mr. Ralph McElhinney, Senior Roadway Construction Project Manager at 216-664-2575.
Lead Safe Advisory Board Meeting
The Lead Safe Advisory Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2024, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm at Cleveland City Hall, Room 509.
Urban Forestry Commission: Budget Committee Meeting 03/18/2025
The Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) will host its next Budget Committee Meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 3:30pm-5pm. The public is welcome to observe in-person or virtually.
No public comments will be taken during this meeting. To submit public comments, you may complete the online form or attend the Commission's Spring 2025 Quarterly Meeting on April 8, 2025.
Watch In-Person (location change):
Carl B. Stokes - Public Utilities Building
1201 Lakeside Ave., 5th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Committee Meeting 03/12/2025
The Urban Forestry Commission will host its next Policy Committee Meeting on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 from 3pm-4:30pm. The public is welcome to observe virtually.
No public comments will be taken during this meeting. To submit public comments, you may complete the online form or attend the Commission's Spring 2025 Quarterly Meeting on April 8, 2025
Urban Forestry Commission: Maintenance Committee Meeting 02/26/2025
The Urban Forestry Commission will host its next virtual Maintenance Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 26 2025 from 1pm - 2pm. The general public is welcome to join virtually, public comments will not be taken at this meeting.
To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Spring 2025 public meeting or complete the online form.
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Committee Meeting 02/12/2025
The Urban Forestry Commission will host its next Policy Committee Meeting in-person on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 from 3pm-4:30pm. The public is welcome to observe virtually.
No public comments will be taken during this meeting. To submit public comments, you may complete the online form or attend the Commission's Spring 2025 Quarterly Meeting on April 8, 2025
Urban Forestry Commission: Budget Committee Meeting 02/11/2025
The Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) will host its next Budget Committee Meeting in-person on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from 3:30pm-5pm. The public is welcome to join in-person or virtually.
No public comments will be taken during this meeting. To submit public comments, you may complete the online form or attend the Commission's Spring 2025 Quarterly Meeting on April 8, 2025.
Watch In-Person:
City Hall - Cleveland City Council
601 Lakeside Ave E
Cleveland City Council Large Conference Room
Cleveland, OH 44114
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Committee Meeting 01/08/2025
The Urban Forestry Commission will host its Winter Policy Committee meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 from 10:00 - 11:30am.
The general public is welcome to join virtually, public comments will not be taken at this meeting. To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Winter 2025 Public Meeting or complete the online form.
Meeting Link:
The UFC is currently seeking appointees for Developer, Resident, Non-Profit Organizations, Certified Arborists, and Electric Utility Rep. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply. For questions email or call (216) 664-2388.
Urban Forestry Commission: Winter 2025 Public Meeting
The Urban Forestry Commission's (UFC) will host its Winter 2025 public meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 4pm - 5:30pm.
The general public is welcome to attend in-person or watch virtually. This meeting will be live-streamed on Sustainable Cleveland's YouTube page and broadcast to the local TV20 Channel. Advance notice will be given of any changes.
To submit public comments, you may attend the meeting or complete the online form. Online comments must be received before noon ET on the day of the public meeting, those submitted afterward will be read at the next meeting. For in-person comments, speakers must sign-in at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting and adhere to the agenda.
Meeting Location:
Cleveland City Hall, Room 514 (5th floor)
601 Lakeside Ave. E.
Cleveland, OH 44114
The UFC is currently seeking appointees for Developer, Resident, Non-Profit Organizations, Certified Arborists, and Electric Utility Rep. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply. For questions email or call (216) 664-2388.
Traffic Advisory - Enbridge Gas Ohio - Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project PIR 3489 (Ward 9), PIR 3860 (Ward 14), PIOR 3804 (Ward 13) & PIR 3655 (Ward 12)
CLEVELAND – On Monday, January 6, 2025, an Enbridge Gas Ohio pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin.
• PIR 3489 – Parkside Road and Thorn Avenue – Ward 9
o Work is scheduled to commence on January 6, 2025, weather permitting
• PIR 3860 – West 65th Street – Ward 14
o Work is scheduled to commence on January 6, 2025, weather permitting
• PIR 3804 – Woburn Avenue & West 62nd Street – Ward 13
o Work is scheduled to commence on January 20, 2025, weather permitting
• PIR 3655 – Aetna Avenue & East 74th Street – Ward 12
o Work is scheduled to commence on January 27, 2025, weather permitting
The improvements include replacing the old steel mainline with a new plastic mainline in the roadway and sidewalk area. A work zone will be established which will allow two-way traffic with traffic control personnel present to help direct traffic flow. Access to adjacent driveways and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. Work will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Anticipated completion dates are contained in each of the traffic advisories.
Steelyard Commons Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Advisory Committee Meeting Notice
CLEVELAND – The Steelyard Commons Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Advisory Committee will meet in Room 518A of City Hall on Thursday, December 19 at 4pm. This is an in-person meeting and open to the public.
About the Steelyard Commons TIF Advisory Committee
City of Cleveland Ordinance Number 1780-05, passed January 9, 2006 ("Ordinance") created a Steelyard Commons Tax Increment Financing Fund ("TIF") with Steelyard Commons LLC to provide funds to be used for development and recreational improvements. The ordinance also established the Steelyard Commons TIF Advisory Committee which is a 5-member body appointed by the Mayor (1), Cleveland City Council (1), Cuyahoga County (1) and Canalway (2). It is charged with making fund allocation recommendations that "shall be used for acquisition of land and to make improvements to the Towpath Trail and Canal Basin Park.”
About the City of Cleveland
The City of Cleveland is committed to improving the quality of life for its residents by strengthening neighborhoods, delivering superior services, embracing diversity and making Cleveland a desirable, safe city in which to live, work, play, and do business. For more information on the City of Cleveland, visit online at, Twitter at @cityofcleveland or Facebook at
Traffic Advisory - Enbridge Gas Ohio - Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project PIR 640 – Cedar Avenue & East100 Street
CLEVELAND – On Monday, January 6, 2025 weather permitting, an Enbridge Gas Ohio pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• Cedar Avenue – South side from East 93 Street to East 103 Street
• East 93 Street – From Cedar Avenue to Quebec Avenue
• East 95 Street – From Cedar Avenue to Quebec Avenue
• East 97 Street – West side from Cedar Avenue to Quebec Avenue
• East 100 Street – From Cedar Avenue to Quebec Avenue
• East 101 Street – From Cedar Avenue to Quebec Avenue
• East 103 Street – From Cedar Avenue to Quebec Avenue
• Quebec Avenue – From East 93 Street to East 103 Street
Public Comment Now Open: Draft Cleveland Climate Action Plan
The City of Cleveland is excited to announce that the draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) is now available for public review and input! This is your chance to help shape Cleveland’s climate goals through 2030 and beyond. We need YOUR voice to make this plan a success. Help us create a greener, healthier, and more equitable Cleveland for all.
Public Comment Deadline: December 31, 2024
For questions, call 216-664-2455 or email Members of the public may also provide feedback via email.
Join the Urban Forestry Commission: Applications Now Open!
The City of Cleveland is excited to announce that applications are now open for individuals interested in serving on the Urban Forestry Commission (UFC). This is a unique opportunity to play a vital role in shaping the future of Cleveland's urban forestry initiatives.
The Urban Forestry Commission is dedicated to enhancing tree health, expanding the city’s tree canopy, fostering public education, and securing funding for urban forestry projects. By joining the commission, you’ll contribute to impactful recommendations and help ensure Cleveland’s urban forest thrives for generations to come.
Application Deadline: January 10, 2025
Lead Safe Advisory Board Meeting
The Lead Safe Advisory Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm at Cleveland City Hall, Room 509.
A virtual option for the meeting is available at this link:…
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Committee Meeting 11/12/2024
The Urban Forestry Commission will host its Fall Policy Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from 3:00pm - 4:30pm.
The general public is welcome to join virtually, public comments will not be taken at this meeting. To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Winter 2025 Public Meeting or complete the online form.
Meeting Link:…
CMSD - Notice of Public Meeting
The Nominating Panel of the Cleveland Municipal School District will hold a public meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024, at 5:30pm at Cleveland City Hall (Mayor's Red Room). The purpose of the meeting is for the Panel to enter into executive session to consider the appointment of public officials.
Steelyard Commons Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Advisory Committee Meeting Notice
CLEVELAND – The Steelyard Commons Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Advi-sory Committee will meet in Room 518A of City Hall on Wednesday, October 30th at 4pm. This is an in-person meeting and open to the public.
About the Steelyard Commons TIF Advisory Committee
City of Cleveland Ordinance Number 1780-05, passed January 9, 2006 ("Ordi-nance") created a Steelyard Commons Tax Increment Financing Fund ("TIF") with Steelyard Commons LLC to provide funds to be used for development and recreational improvements. The ordinance also established the Steelyard Com-mons TIF Advisory Committee which is a 5-member body appointed by the Mayor (1), Cleveland City Council (1), Cuyahoga County (1) and Canalway (2). It is charged with making fund allocation recommendations that "shall be used for ac-quisition of land and to make improvements to the Towpath Trail and Canal Ba-sin Park.”
About the City of Cleveland
The City of Cleveland is committed to improving the quality of life for its residents by strengthening neighborhoods, delivering superior services, embracing diversi-ty and making Cleveland a desirable, safe city in which to live, work, play, and do business. For more information on the City of Cleveland, visit online at, Twitter at @cityofcleveland or Facebook at
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Committee Special Meeting 10/16/2024
The Urban Forestry Commission will host a special Policy Committee meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 from 3:30pm - 4:15pm. The meeting will focus on leveraging the newly proposed policy for exceptions to preserve existing trees related to sidewalk projects.
The general public is welcome to join virtually, public comments will not be taken at this meeting. To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Winter 2025 Public Meeting or complete the online form.
Meeting Link:
Sinking Fund Commission - Notice of Public Meeting
The City of Cleveland Sinking Fund Commission will meet on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at City Hall, 601 Lakeside Ave., in the Mayor's Office Red Room.
Urban Forestry Commission: Fall 2024 Public Meeting
The Urban Forestry Commission's (UFC) will host its Fall 2024 public meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 4pm - 5:30pm. This meeting will be live-streamed on Sustainable Cleveland's YouTube page and broadcast to the TV20 Channel. Advance notice will be given of any changes.
To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Fall 2024 Public Meeting or complete the online form. Online comments must be received before noon ET on the day of the public meeting, those submitted afterward will be read at the next meeting. For in-person comments, speakers must sign-in at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting and adhere to the agenda.
Meeting Location:
Cleveland City Hall, Room 514 (5th floor)
601 Lakeside Ave. E.
Cleveland, OH 44114
Learn More about the Commission:
Traffic Advisory - Circle Square Improvement Project - Chester Avenue, Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, and Stokes Boulevard
CLEVELAND – On Saturday, October 5, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will resurface Chester Avenue, between Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Stokes Boulevard, as part of the Circle Square Improvement Project.
This work will require the full closure of Chester Avenue between Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Stokes Boulevard. This work is scheduled to be completed in one day with construction operations beginning at 7 a.m. and ending at 7 p.m.
Urban Forestry Commission: Budget Committee Meeting
The Urban Forestry Commission's (UFC) Budget Commitee will host its next virtual Meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 3pm - 4:30pm. The general public is invited to join virtually, public comments will not be taken during this meeting.
Event Details:
Meeting Link:
To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Fall 2024 Public Meeting or complete the online form.
Public Safety Technology Advisory Committee Meeting
When: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 1:00PM
Where: Public Auditorium, Room LL09
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome and Introductions
- Discussion of Technology Inventory Handout
- Existing Technology Updates
- In-Dash Cameras
- Drones
- Upcoming Procurements, Upgrades, Deployments
- Commitments for Follow-Up
- Set Next Meeting
Traffic Advisory - Bundy Drive, East 36th Street, East 46th Street, East 63rd Street
CLEVELAND – Beginning the week of September 9, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 5. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of October 2024:
• Bundy Drive (Woodland Avenue to 2515 Bundy Drive)
• East 36th Street (Prospect Avenue to Community College Avenue)
• East 46th Street (Prospect Road to Central Avenue)
• East 63rd Street (Francis Avenue to Roland Avenue)
Traffic Advisory - Ohio Avenue, Lipton Avenue, East 188th Street, East 173rd Street
CLEVELAND – Beginning the week of September 9, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 1. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of October 2024:
• Ohio Avenue (East 153rd Street to Osborn Road)
• Lipton Avenue (Lee Road to East 173rd Street)
• East 188th Street (Judson Drive to Restor Avenue)
• East 173rd Street (Lipton Avenue to End)
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Committee Meeting 08/27/2024
The Urban Forestry Commission's (UFC) Policy will host its next Meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 from 2pm -3:30pm. The general public is invited to join in-person, public comments will not be taken during this meeting.
Western Reserve Land Conservancy
812 Huron Rd E Caxton Building
Suite 840, TCI Conference Room
Cleveland, OH 44115
Event Details:…
To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Fall 2024 Public Meeting or complete the online form.
Urban Forestry Commission: Maintenance Committee Meeting 08/26/2024
The Urban Forestry Commission's (UFC) Policy will host its next virtual Meeting on Monday, August 26, 2024 from 1pm -2pm. The general public is invited to join virtually, public comments will not be taken during this meeting.
Event Details:…
Meeting Link:
To submit public comments, you may attend the quarterly Fall 2024 Public Meeting or complete the online form.
Traffic Advisory - Payne Avenue – Phase 1 Rehabilitation Project East 13th Street to East 30th Street
CLEVELAND –Effective Friday, August 16, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will close Payne Avenue to westbound traffic between E. 30th Street and E. 13th Street. Eastbound traffic will be maintained between East 13th Street and East 30th Street. Westbound traffic will be detoured northbound along East 30th Street, westbound along Superior Avenue and southbound on East 13th Street
City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
CLEVELAND – Beginning the week of August 19, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Wards 8 and 10. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of October 2024:
- Wayside Road (London Road south to Railroad Tracks)
- Kildeer Avenue (E. 185th Street to E. 200th Street)
- East 123rd Street (St. Clair Avenue to Taft Avenue)
- East 70th Street (St. Claire Avenue to North End)
- East 72nd Street (St. Clair Avenue to Donald Avenue)
City Hall Roof & Facade Repair Project Construction Advisory
CLEVELAND –Saturday, July 27, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weather permitting, Warren Roofing will begin removing & lifting large portions of the granite facade from the roof to the street level by crane. The entire western drive will be closed as well as the surface section of the Willard Parking garage. The lower tiers of the Willard Parking Garage will be open. No on-drive parking will be permitted for the duration of the event.
The project includes reroofing Cleveland City Hall and repairing the granite from the bottom of the granite cornice. The City Hall Roof & Façade Repair Project is expected to be completed by the end of September 2025. This closure is limited to Saturday, July 27th from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Traffic Advisory - Bartter Avenue, Bidwell Avenue, Davinwood Road, Hipple Avenue, Sedalia Avenue, West 165th Street
CLEVELAND – Beginning week of July 29, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 17. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets will be complete by the end of September 2024:
• Bartter Avenue (East End to West 147th Street)
• Bidwell Avenue (West 140th Street to West 144th Street)
• Davinwood Drive (West 191st Street to West 194th Street)
• Hipple Avenue (West 192nd Street to Parkmount Avenue)
• Sedalia Avenue (West 161st Street to Rocky River Drive)
• West 165th Street (Fischer Road to Edgecliff Avenue)
Traffic Advisory - Maynard Avenue, Wetzel Avenue, Ira Avenue, Hillcrest Avenue, West 29th Street, Woburn Avenue
CLEVELAND – Beginning July 22, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 13. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets will be complete by the end of September 2024:
• Maynard Avenue (Lanchester Road to West 19th Street)
• Maynard Avenue (West 19th Street to Broadview Road)
• Wetzel Avenue (West 44th Street to West 47th Street)
• Ira Avenue (Fulton Road to Corp Line/ West 58th Street)
• Hillcrest Avenue (State Road to West 29th Street)
• West 29th Street (Hillcrest Avenue to Cypress Avenue)
• Woburn Avenue (End to Fulton Road)
Traffic Advisory - West 80th Street, West 79th Street, West 100th Street, West 85th Street, Wakefield Avenue, West 87th Street, West 63rd Place, West 78th Street
CLEVELAND – Beginning July 22, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 15. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets will be complete by the end of September 2024:
• West 80th Street (Lake Avenue to Baker Avenue)
• West 79th Street (Franklin Boulevard to Wakefield Avenue)
• West 100th Street (Western Avenue to Marietta Avenue)
• West 85th Street (Lake Avenue to Detroit Avenue)
• Wakefield Avenue (West 65th Street to West 74th Street)
• West 87th Street (Madison Avenue to Sauer Avenue)
• West 63rd Place (Lawn Avenue to North End)
• West 78th Street (Lorain Avenue to Elton Court)
Planning Commission Meeting - July 26th Agenda
The Planning Commission meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting (Room 514 in City Hall or WebEx)
in accordance with Ohio's Open Meetings Laws as amended by Sub. H.B 19 7. We will be utilizing the WebEx platform. Meetings are also livestreamed via YouTube: agenda for the meeting is listed below.
Landmarks Commission Meeting - July 25th Agenda
The Landmarks Commission meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting (Room 514 in City Hall or WebEx)
in accordance with Ohio's Open Meetings Laws as amended by Sub. H.B 19 7. We will be utilizing the WebEx platform. Meetings are also livestreamed via YouTube: agenda for the meeting is listed below.
Traffic Advisory - Hessler Court Wooden Brick Restoration Project - Hessler Road to Bellflower Road
CLEVELAND – During the week of July 15th, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin wood brick restoration of Hessler Court from Hessler Road to Bellflower Road. A complete closure of Hessler Court is expected to occur. On street parking for Hessler Road will not be affected by the work being performed on Hessler Court.
Traffic Advisory - Johnston Parkway Reconstruction Project - Cleveland Corporation Limit to Velma Avenue
CLEVELAND – Beginning Monday, July 15, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will begin the reconstruction of Johnston Parkway from the Cleve-land Corporation Limit north of McCraken Road to Velma Avenue.
Overall Project Description:
The project includes the reconstruction of 4,400 feet of concrete pavement on John-ston Parkway from the Cleveland Corporation Limit to Velma Avenue. Work also includes curb replacement, utility casting adjustments, ADA compliant ramps, re-placement of walks as needed, pavement markings and signage.
Traffic Advisory - West 3rd Lift Bridge - Literary Road to Canal Road
CLEVELAND – Beginning Tuesday, July 16, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will inspect the W 3rd Street Lift Bridge over the Cuyahoga River located north of Literary Road and south of Canal Road. The inspection is for one day and will begin at 7:00 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. This work may be pushed back one day if the weather is inclement on the day planned.
City Planning Commission - July 12th Agenda
The following Planning Commission meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting in accordance with Ohio's Open Meetings Laws as amended by Sub. H.B 19 7. We will be utilizing the WebEx platform. For more information please visit:
City Planning Commission - Notice of CPC Meeting Plan Adoption Policy
Notice of Meeting of the City Planning Commission
For Discussion of Plan Adoption Policy (Draft)
Friday, July 12th, 2024
LOCATION: Room 514, Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue
TIME: Meeting begins at 12:00pm
(or immediately after the scheduled City Planning Commission meeting)
Friday, July 12, 2024 - Notice of CPC Meeting Plan Adoption Policy
Traffic Advisory - Feature Film Production Downtown
CLEVELAND – An undisclosed feature film is currently in production in Cleveland – the following information has been released to notify businesses, residents, and the public of potential impacts involving temporary road closures within the downtown area.
The road closures will be in effect to ensure the safety of both the film crew and the public. Detour signs will be posted to safely guide drivers to alternate routes. Some closures will be extended closures (more than a few hours or longer) and other closures may be intermittent. Signage will indicate more during the days of closures. Local traffic to / from residential buildings and businesses will be maintained but may contain some delay.
These dates may change based on weather:
Sidewalk Leveling Improvement Program Starting Soon
Please be advised that the Sidewalk Leveling Improvement Program (SLIP) will be starting on July 9, 2024 in Ward 1.
The contractor will level uneven non-compliant sidewalk joints with less than 2 in deflection throughout the City on streets that have been recently resurfaced as part of the Residential Resurfacing Program. Signs will be placed on each street to notify the residents and they will receive a flyer indicating that work being performed.
During the work, traffic and pedestrian access may be temporarily restricted or delayed due to the contractor’s operations. Two-way traffic will be maintained. Pedestrian traffic may be limited to one side of the street.
Motorists should be alert for traffic signage and flaggers used to direct traffic at the designated sidewalk repair work sites.
There is no cost for this program and residents cannot apply.
If there are any questions, please contact Inspector Altenese Hankins at 216-857-7801.
Public Meeting Notice for the Lorain Midway Project (West 20th to West 65th)
Public meeting notice for the Lorain Midway Project (West 20th to West 65th). The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on June 26th at the Urban Community School which is located at 4909 Lorain Avenue.
Discussions will revolve around the Preliminary Alternatives for a Sidewalk Level Bike Facility,
Based on feedback the alternatives will be further developed.
Division of Recreation Maximizes Resources to Ensure All Operable Outdoor Pools Will Be Open for 2024 Summer Season Beginning Saturday
Friday, June 7, 2024 — Cleveland — The City of Cleveland announced its 2024 Summer Pool Schedule today, which will allow residents to enjoy the various outdoor pools throughout the city starting this Saturday, June 8 at noon.
Last year, the City had to modify its summer pool schedule due to the nationwide lifeguard shortage that other cities – like Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and Atlanta – also experienced. This City made a concerted effort to improve recruitment heading into this year, which included:
Incentivizing lifeguard training by offering high school students the opportunity to earn pay while taking classes – previously, candidates had to complete training first before being hired and earning pay
Increasing pay again to over $15/hour once hired – the third year in a row that pay was increased as lifeguards previously made $11/hour in 2021.
Held multiple training classes at rec centers across the City from September 2023 through May 2024
Utilized various routes to spread awareness through social media, working with local media partners, pushing out robocalls to residents, and other methods
Despite these many efforts, the City saw a decrease in applications and is faced with another lifeguard shortage, which is something that other areas of the country – like Milwaukee, Arkansas, Virginia, and Maine – are experiencing again this year.
“The lifeguard shortage continues to be an issue that communities across the country face and that is no different here in Cleveland,” said Recreation Commissioner Sam Gissentaner. “We strategically came up with a plan that maximizes our limited resources through a creative schedule that allows all operable pools citywide to be open throughout the summer with safety at top of mind. This ensures that all of our residents will be able to enjoy their local pool.”
The Division of Recreation is still actively encouraging anyone who has a Red Cross lifeguarding certification and wants to lifeguard in Cleveland – even if you don’t live in the city – to call (216)-664-3987. Those who already have a certification can go through a fast-tracked application process and be hired to work this summer.
Pools will operate under the following schedule, but are subject to daily changes depending on staffing levels.
All current operational outdoor and indoor pools, located in various Neighborhood Resource and Recreation Centers (NRRCs), will be open for the 2024 summer season from Saturday, June 8 through Sunday, August 18. Each pool has a capacity limit with safety at the forefront of all decisions. Normal hours of operation are noon – 7:45 p.m., but will close daily from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. for lifeguard breaks and pool maintenance. For the safety of both residents and staff, facilities will have armed security from opening to closing each day of operations.
Pools will operate 45-minute sessions to maximize customer usage. At the conclusion of each session, users must leave the pool and are free to check back in to re-enter the pool. Customers must line up for each session and are admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Depending on staffing levels, all deep ends of pools will likely be closed for customer safety. Again, schedules are subject to daily changes depending on staffing.
Outdoor pools that are open include: Duggan Park, Forest Hills Park, Gassaway Pool, Greenwood Park, Halloran Park, Impett Park, James Bell Pool, Kerruish Park, Lincoln Park, Loew Park, Luke Easter Park, Mark Tromba Park, Meyer Pool, Neff Pool, Sunrise Pool / Mercedes Cotner Park, Warsaw Park, and Woodland.
Indoor NRRC pools that are open include: Collinwood, Cudell, Earle B. Turner, Estabrook, Fairfax, Frederick Douglass, Glenville, Hamilton, Kovacic, Lonnie Burten, Michael Zone, Stella Walsh and Thurgood Marshall.
Pools closed due to renovations include: Central NRRC, Clark NRRC, Cory NRRC, Gunning NRRC, Glendale Park, Lonnie Burten (outdoor only), Lake Park, Sterling NRRC, and Woodland (indoor only)
Mondays & Tuesdays – All indoor pools will be open. Outdoor pools will remain closed.
Wednesdays through Sundays – All outdoor pools will be open.
These indoor NRRC pools will also be open a third day of the week:
Wednesdays – Collinwood, Lonnie Burten, Stella Walsh, Thurgood Marshall
Thursdays – Cudell, Fairfax, Glenville, Hamilton
Fridays – Earle B. Turner, Estabrook, Frederick Douglass, Kovacic, Michael Zone
Indoor pools will resume normal operations Monday through Friday (11:30a.m. – 8 p.m.) and Saturdays (9:30a.m. – 6 p.m.) beginning August 19 – the first day of school for Cleveland Metropolitan Schools.
Visit the City’s website for a full list and locations of the City’s pools, spray parks, and NRRCs.
Admission to pools are free, as are all of the City’s Summer Programming options. View the entire slate of summer programs available free to Cleveland residents of all ages, from toddlers to seniors. Residents can create an account and register through the City’s online catalog.
Carnegie Avenue – Phase 1 Rehabilitation Project Traffic Advisory
Expect additional traffic notices as improvements continue
CLEVELAND – Beginning Monday, June 24, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will close Carnegie Avenue to eastbound traffic between East 55th Street and East 79th Street for the Carnegie Phase 1 Rehabilitation Project. Two westbound lanes of traffic will be maintained on the north side of the road while the contractor works on the south side of the road. Eastbound traffic will be de-toured at East 55th south to Cedar Road, east along Cedar Road to East 79th Street, and north on East 79th Street back to Carnegie Avenue.
Overall Project Description
The project includes resurfacing of 0.95 miles of Carnegie Avenue from East 55th Street to East 79th Street. Work includes milling of existing asphalt and re-placement, pavement base repairs, utility casting adjustments, ADA compliant ramps, replacement of concrete curbs and walks as needed, pavement markings and signage. Pavement will be narrowed under the NS Bridge to provide one lane of traffic in each direction with a two-way left turn lane. A median will be added between East 65th Street and East 69th Street and another added just west of East 77th Street. A new water line will be added the entire length of the project. New mast arm traffic signals will be installed at Carnegie Avenue and East 71st Street intersection. Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, RRFBs will be in-stalled at the median locations to aid pedestrian crossings.
Maintenance of Traffic
Phase 1 Construction:
After the water bypass is completed, the contractor will commence closing east-bound traffic on Carnegie between East 55th Street and East 79th Street. Two westbound lanes of traffic will be maintained on the north side of the road while the contractor works on the south side of the road. Eastbound traffic will be de-toured at East 55th south to Cedar Road, east along Cedar Road to East 83rd Street, and north on East 83rd Street back to Carnegie Avenue.
Phase 2 Construction:
Upon completion of Phase 1, the contractor will shift westbound traffic to the south side of Carnegie Avenue. Two westbound lanes of traffic will be maintained on the south side of the road while the contractor works on the north side of the road. Eastbound traffic will continue to use the detour that was put in place for Phase 1 Construction.
On street parking will not be permitted during construction within the work zones.
Advanced warning signs will be placed outside of the work zone, informing the public of the construction work and any changes in the traffic patterns. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout construction.
The work on this project will generally take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The entire project is scheduled for completion by the end of October 2025.
Questions? Contact the City of Cleveland’s Construction Inspector, Janet Hintz at 216-857-1635.
Road construction invariably presents hazards to the public. All travelers are urged to use caution in construction zones. Public safety and the safety of workers is a top priority.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this important public improvement project.
Traffic Advisory - Pipeline Infrastructure Improvements Update - Otto Avenue & West 61 Street
CLEVELAND – On Monday, June 24, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
- West 63 Street – East side from Storer Avenue to Stock Avenue
- West 61 Street – West side from Storer Avenue to Clark Avenue
- West 58 Street – From Storer Avenue to Montana Avenue
- Montana Avenue – From West 58 Street to End
- Otto Court – South side from West 58 Street to West 61 Street
- Gilbert Court – North side from West 58 Street to West 61 Street
- Storer Avenue – North Side from West 58 Street to West 59 Street
Job Openings at Airport - Window Washer
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport has openings for two Window Washer positions. Deadline is Friday, June 28, 2024.
Traffic notice: Feature film production in Downtown Cleveland through June 25
The following information is released to notify businesses, residents, and the public of potential impacts involving temporary road closures in the downtown area for an undisclosed feature film production.
The road closures will be in effect to ensure the safety of both the film crew and the public.
Detour signs will be posted to safely guide drivers to alternate routes. Some closures will be extended closures (more than a few hours or longer) and other closures may be intermittent.
Signage will provide additional information during the closures. Local traffic to/from residential buildings and businesses will be maintained but there may be delays.
Expect additional traffic notices as filming continues and please note that these dates may change based on weather.
Thursday June 20, 2024:
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of Superior Avenue from East 6th Street to East Roadway Avenue
- In/Out Access to and from 200 Public Square Garage will be accommodated from East Roadway daily
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of East 3rd Street from Rockwell Avenue to Superior Avenue
Friday June 21, 2024:
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of Superior Avenue from East 6th Street to East Roadway Avenue
- In/Out Access to and from 200 Public Square Garage will be accommodated from East Roadway daily
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of East 3rd Street from Rockwell Avenue to Superior Avenue
Saturday June 22, 2024:
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of Superior Ave from East 6th Street to East Roadway Avenue
- In/Out Access to and from 200 Public Square Garage will be accommodated from East Roadway daily
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of East 3rd Street from Rockwell Avenue to Superior Avenue
Tuesday, June 25, 2024:
FULL ROAD CLOSURE of Lakeside Avenue from East 9th Street to East Mall Drive.
- City Hall’s surface parking lot and Lakeside access to Willard Garage will be closed. The only access to Willard Garage will be from East 9th Street
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, a public hearing will be held by the City of Cleveland, Ohio (the “City”), commencing at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time in Room 104 of City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, with respect to the proposed issuance by the City, pursuant to a plan of finance, of its Airport System Subordinate Obligation Notes, Series 2024 (Tax-Exempt) (the “Tax-Exempt Series 2024 Subordinate Obligation Notes”), in a maximum aggregate principal amount of $175,000,000. The Tax-Exempt Subordinate Obligation Notes will be issued as exempt facility airport bonds under Section 142(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to assist in paying costs of airport facilities (the “Project”).
The Project will be located at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, 5300 Riverside Drive, Cleveland, Ohio, and Burke Lakefront Airport, 1501 Marginal Road, Cleveland, Ohio, which together constitute an integrated operation of the City. The Project will be owned and operated by the City.
The Tax-Exempt Series 2024 Subordinate Obligation Notes are special obligations of the City, payable solely from and secured by moneys pledged under the subordinated obligations trust indenture. The Tax-Exempt Series 2024 Subordinate Obligation Notes and the interest thereon do not constitute a debt or pledge of the faith and credit of the City, or the State of Ohio or any political subdivision thereof, and holders or owners of the Tax-Exempt Series 2024 Subordinate Obligation Notes have no right to have taxes levied by the City, or the State or any political subdivision thereof.
Persons wishing to express their views on the proposed Tax-Exempt Series 2024 Subordinate Obligation Notes and the Project to be financed by the Tax-Exempt Series 2024 Subordinate Obligation Notes may appear at the hearing or may submit their views in writing. Any written submissions should be sent to the City at Room 104, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Attention: Director of Finance and clearly marked “Re: Proposed $175,000,000 City of Cleveland, Ohio Airport System Subordinate Obligation Notes, Series 2024 (Tax-Exempt)”. Written submissions should be mailed in sufficient time to be received on or before the aforesaid hearing date.
/s/ Ahmed Abonamah
Ahmed Abonamah
Director of Finance
Traffic Advisory - Carnegie Avenue – Phase 1 Rehabilitation Project East 55th Street to East 79th Street
CLEVELAND – Beginning Tuesday, June 4, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will begin work for the Carnegie Avenue – Phase 1 Rehabilitation Project. The first phase of work will be constructing the temporary water bypass in the eastbound curb lane between East 65th Street and East 79th Street. A minimum of one lane in each direction will be maintained at all times, there is no detour or full closure expected as part of this phase of work. The temporary bypass installation is expected to take approximately 3 weeks.
Urban Forestry Commission: Policy Maintenance Committee 05/30
The Urban Forestry Commission's (UFC) Policy will host its Spring Policy Committee Meeting on Thursday, May 30, 2024 from 12pm - 2pm. The general public is invited to join in-person at City Hall - Council Meeting, Room 220.
Event Details:…
Traffic Advisory - South Moreland, Shaker Square, North Moreland Improvements
CLEVELAND – Beginning Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the City of Cleveland will begin construction on the northwest quadrant of Shaker Square. The current de-tour for the southeast quadrant of Shaker Square will be removed and a new de-tour installed as follows below for approximately a month.
Overall Project Description:
The project includes resurfacing of South Moreland, Shaker Square, and North Moreland from Griffing Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard. Work will include mill-ing of existing asphalt and replacement, base repairs, utility casting adjustments, ADA compliant ramps, replacement of concrete curbs and walks as needed, pave-ment markings and signage. Safety improvements include realignment of inter-sections at Livingston, Ashwood, and Hampton Roads. A new mast-arm signal will replace the existing span wire signal at Drexmore. New pavement layout will include bike lanes, new left-turn lanes, and parking lanes as appropriate.
Villaview Road Resurfacing Project East 162nd Street to East 200th Street
CLEVELAND – The City of Cleveland is planning a project that involves the re-pair and resurfacing of Villaview Road from East 162nd Street to East 200th Street. In addition, the proposed project will also include pavement base repairs, concrete joint repairs, casting adjustments, ADA compliant curb ramps, new pavement markings and signage. Construction is currently scheduled to begin in the May 2025 and completed by the end of the year.
Traffic Advisory - Pipeline Infrastructure Improvements Update - Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project – PIR 3759 – Cooley Avenue & Lloyd Road
CLEVELAND – On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• Lloyd Road – West side from Cooley Avenue to Milan Avenue
• Cooley Avenue – South side from North Road to West 117 Street
• Cooley Avenue – North side from 11824 Cooley Avenue to West 117 Street
Traffic Advisory - East 105th Street Resurfacing Project 600’ South of Mt. Sinai to Park Lane
CLEVELAND – During the week of May 6, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on East 105th Street from 600’ south of Mt. Sinai to Park Lane. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, adjusting utility castings, full depth pavement repairs, partial depth pavement repairs, replacement of curb, placement of compliant ADA ramps, placing new asphalt, and pavement markings. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The asphalt resurfacing project is expected to complete by the end of June 2024.
Traffic Advisory - South Moreland, Shaker Square, North Moreland Improvements
CLEVELAND – Beginning Monday, May 13, 2024, the City of Cleveland will begin construction on the southeast quadrant of Shaker Square. The current detour for the southwest quadrant of Shaker Square will be removed and a new detour installed as follows below for approximately a month. The current work on North Moreland from Griffin Avenue to Larchmere Avenue will continue along with the existing maintenance of traffic plan.
Traffic Advisory - City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program
CLEVELAND – Beginning May 7th, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will begin in Ward 12. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets will be complete by the end of June 2024:
• Saratoga Avenue (Broadview Avenue to Broadale Road)
• Ferman Avenue (South Hills Drive to South Meadow Lane)
• Admiral Drive (Timothy Lane to Colonel Drive)
• Starlight Drive (Spring Road to South Ridge Drive)
• South Ridge Drive (Starlight Drive to Skyview Road)
• Beyerle Place (Independence Road to South End)
• Hugo Avenue (Independence Road to Beyerle Road)
• Warsaw Avenue (East 64 Street to East 66 Street)
• Fullerton Avenue (East 71 Street to Broadway Avenue)
• Moonglow Lane (Starlight Drive to North End)
Traffic Advisory - Telfair Avenue Resurfacing Project East 162nd Street to Lee Road
CLEVELAND – Beginning May 6, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on Telfair Avenue from East 162nd Street to Lee Road. A portion of the street will be closed, and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes milling the existing concrete pavement, adjusting utility castings, partial depth pavement repairs, placement of compliant ADA ramps, placing new asphalt, and pavement markings. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The resurfacing project is expected to be completed by the end of June 2024.
Should there be any questions, please contact the City of Cleveland’s Construction Inspector, Chris Kotabish at 216-857-1347.
Traffic Advisory - Pipeline Infrastructure Improvements Update Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project – P 400450226 – St. Clair Avenue & East 49th Street Vault Replacement
CLEVELAND – On Wednesday April 17, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• East 47th Street – Southeast corner of St Clair Avenue and East 47th Street
• East 49th Street – Northwest corner of St Clair Avenue and East 49th Street
Traffic Advisory - South Moreland, Shaker Square, North Moreland Improvements (Griffing Avenue to Larchmere Boulevard)
CLEVELAND – Beginning Wednesday, April 10, 2024, The City of Cleveland will restart construction of the South Moreland, Shaker Square, North Moreland Improvement Project, beginning in the southwest quadrant of Shaker Square.
Traffic Advisory - Bridge Avenue Resurfacing Project Traffic Advisory West 50th Street to West 57th Street
CLEVELAND – During the week of April 15, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on Bridge Avenue from West 50th Street to West 57th Street. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, adjusting utility castings, full depth pavement repairs, partial depth pavement repairs, replacement of curb, placement of compliant ADA ramps, placing new asphalt, and pavement markings. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The asphalt resurfacing project is expected to complete by the end of June 2024.
Traffic Advisory - Dick Goddard Way Resurfacing Project Traffic Advisory (East 55th Street to East End)
CLEVELAND – During the week of April 18, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on Dick Goddard Way from East 55th Street to East End. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, adjusting utility castings, full depth pavement repairs, partial depth pavement repairs, replacement of curb, placement of compliant ADA ramps, placing new asphalt, and pavement markings. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The asphalt resurfacing project is expected to complete by the end of June 2024.
Traffic Advisory - North Marginal Road Resurfacing Project East 72nd Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
CLEVELAND – Beginning April 19, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on North Marginal Road from East 55th Street to Martin Luther
King Jr. Drive. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street
parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes milling the existing concrete pavement, adjusting utility castings, partial depth pavement repairs, placement of compliant ADA ramps, placing new
asphalt, and pavement markings. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The resurfacing project is expected to complete by the end of June 2024.
Traffic Advisory - Wade Avenue Resurfacing Project West End to West 25th Street
CLEVELAND – During the week of April 17, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on Wade Avenue from West End to West 25th Street. A portion of the street will be closed, and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, adjusting utility castings, full depth pavement repairs, partial depth pavement repairs, replacement of curb, placement of compliant ADA ramps, placing new asphalt, and pavement markings. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The asphalt resurfacing project is expected to complete by the end of June 2024.
Traffic Advisory - Othello Avenue Brick Restoration Project (Mcelhattan Avenue to East 140th Street)
CLEVELAND – During the week of April 9, 2024, weather permitting, the City will begin brick restoration of Othello Avenue from Mcelhattan Avenue to East 140th Street. A complete closure is not expected to occur is not expected to occur, local access will be maintained. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project will remove and reset sunken bricks within the street. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The brick restoration project is expected to complete by the end of June 2024.
Traffic Advisory - City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (Ward 3)
CLEVELAND – Beginning April 16, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 3. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of June 2024:
• Train Avenue (Richner Avenue to Vega Avenue)
One lane of traffic will be maintained for local traffic for the duration of each project. No detours are expected. Access to all businesses, residences and side streets will be maintained during construction. On-street parking will not be allowed during construction. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Traffic Advisory - City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (Ward15)
CLEVELAND – Beginning April 12, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 15. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of June 2024:
• Train Court (Train Avenue to West 56th Street)
• Herman Avenue (West 58th Street to West 49th Street)
• West 98th Street (Madison Avenue to Cudell Avenue)
• West 93rd Street (Madison Avenue to North End)
One lane of traffic will be maintained for local traffic for the duration of each project. No detours are expected. Access to all businesses, residences and side streets will be maintained during construction. On-street parking will not be allowed during construction. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Traffic Advisory - City Announces Neighborhood Street Improvements Mirlo Court
CLEVELAND – Beginning April 15, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 15. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets will be complete by the end of June 2024:
• Mirlo Court (West 67th Street to Approximately 300’ West of West 67th Street)
One lane of traffic will be maintained for local traffic for the duration of each project. No detours are expected. Access to all businesses, residences and side streets will be maintained during construction. On-street parking will not be allowed during construction. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Traffic Advisory - City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (Ward 16)
CLEVELAND – Beginning April 9, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 16. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of June 2024:
• West 148th Street (Justin Avenue to Puritas Avenue)
• Tyler Avenue (West 140th Street to Victory Boulevard)
• West 133rd Street (Lorain Avenue to West Avenue)
One lane of traffic will be maintained for local traffic for the duration of each project. No detours are expected. Access to all businesses, residences and side streets will be maintained during construction. On-street parking will not be allowed during construction. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Superior Midway Project (East Roadway to East 55 Street)
Invite you to an Open House Presentation for the Superior Midway Project (East Roadway to East 55th Street). Important information about the ongoing, preliminary design will be presented. Design will be completed in spring 2025 and construction is scheduled to begin in fall 2025.
When: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Where: Goldhorn Brewery, 1361 East 55th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44103
Urban Forestry Commission: Public Notice - Budget Committee Hearing
The Urban Forestry Commission will host its next virtual Budget Committee Hearing on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 3pm-4pm. The public is welcome to join via WebEx. Recordings will be posted to Sustainable Cleveland's YouTube channel.
Meeting WebEX:…
Traffic Advisory - East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project
CLEVELAND – Recently, the City resumed construction of Phase 2 of the East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project from Cedar Avenue to Chester Avenue and south of Woodland Avenue under Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge.
Effective Monday, March 18, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will close traffic south of Woodland Avenue underneath the railroad bridge The traffic pattern between Cedar Avenue and Chester Avenue is not expected to change.
Traffic Advisory - Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project – PIR 3520 – Lee Road Phase 2
CLEVELAND – On Monday March 18, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• Lee Road – From Sunny Glen Avenue to Seville Road
The improvements include replacing the old steel mainline with a new plastic mainline in the roadway and sidewalk area. A work zone will be established which will allow two-way traffic with traffic control personnel present to help direct traffic flow. Access to adjacent driveways and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. The work on the project will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This project is scheduled for completion in May 2024. Permanent restorations will be completed in July 2024.
Traffic Advisory - Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project – PIR 3457 – Denison Avenue & West 59 Street
CLEVELAND – On Monday, March 25, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• Denison Avenue – From West 59 Street to West 69 Street
• West 69 Street – East side from Denison Avenue to 3567 West 69 Street
• West 67 Street – From Denison Avenue to Barberton Avenue.
• West 66 Street – West side from Denison Avenue to Barberton Avenue.
• West 59 Street – West side from Denison Avenue to Storer Avenue.
• West 58 Street – West side from Denison Avenue to Rail Road Tracks
Board of Revision of Assessments Meeting Scheduled for March 14
The Board of Revision of Assessments (“Board”) has scheduled a meeting to hear objections to the following street vacation resolution:
- Resolution No. 517-2023 – To vacate a portion of Curtis Avenue N.E., east of East 59th Street.
The Board has scheduled its meeting for March 14, 2024, at 1:30 p.m, in Room 514, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114. Your attendance at this meeting is optional, unless you are opposed to the proposed vacation, or there are City of Cleveland Departmental charges involved.
If you have questions regarding this notification, please email or call (216) 664-3875, Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Traffic Advisory - Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project P400966999 – Bailey Avenue Vault
CLEVELAND – On Monday, March 4, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s Gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following street:
• Bailey Avenue – North side from West 41st Street to 4200 Bailey Avenue
The improvements include replacing the old steel mainline with a new plastic mainline in the roadway and sidewalk area. As well as the removal of the old underground vault system. A work zone will be established which will allow two-way traffic with traffic control personnel present to help direct traffic flow. Access to adjacent driveways and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. The work on the project will take place Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Work has and will continue to be coordinated with the Orchard STEM School.
Public Information Presentation - Carnegie Avenue Rehabilitation Project – Phase 2
When: March 7, 2024 at 5:00 pm
Where: PNC Fairfax Connection, 8220 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103
What: To provide information regarding the Design of the Carnegie Avenue Rehabilitation project. Final Design is scheduled to be completed in June 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2025.
Traffic Advisory - Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project – PIR 2829 – West 53rd and Walworth
CLEVELAND – On Monday, February 19, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• Fenwick Avenue – North side from South Frontage Road to West 47 Street
• Walworth Avenue – 5601 Walworth Avenue to Junction Road
• Train Avenue – Train Court to West 46 Street
• West 53 Street – Train Avenue to Clark Avenue
• West 51 Street – West Side Train Avenue to Clark Avenue
• West 47 Street – West Side Train Avenue to Clark Avenue and East side from Ravine Court to Fenwick Avenue.
• West 45 Street – East side from Ravine Court to Fenwick Avenue.
Traffic Advisory - East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project Woodland Avenue to Chester Avenue
CLEVELAND – Beginning Thursday, February 22, 2024, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will begin construction of Phase 2 of the East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project from Cedar Avenue to Chester Avenue and south of Woodland under the Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge.
Traffic Advisory - Dominion PIR 2829 - W 53 & Walworth Traffic Advisory - Wards 3 and 15
CLEVELAND – On Monday, February 19, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
- Fenwick Avenue – North side from South Frontage Road to West 47 Street
- Walworth Avenue – 5601 Walworth Avenue to Junction Road
- Train Avenue – Train Court to West 46 Street
- West 53 Street – Train Avenue to Clark Avenue
- West 51 Street – West Side Train Avenue to Clark Avenue
- West 47 Street – West Side Train Avenue to Clark Avenue and East side from Ravine Court to Fenwick Avenue
- West 45 Street – East side from Ravine Court to Fenwick Avenue
Traffic Advisory - Dominion Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project – PIR 3678 – Bessemer Avenue
CLEVELAND – On Monday, February 05, 2024, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
• Bessemer Avenue – From East 79th Street to 7424 Bessemer Avenue
The improvements include replacing the old steel mainline with a new plastic mainline in the roadway and sidewalk area. A work zone will be established which will allow two-way traffic with traffic control personnel present to help direct traffic flow. Access to adjacent driveways and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. The work on the project will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This project is scheduled for completion in April 2024. Should the weather not allow for permanent restoration to the sidewalk and roadway after construction. A temporary 2” thick concrete sidewalk will be installed for pedestrian traffic, and concrete road caps will be placed on all road crossings until permanent restorations can be completed in the Spring 2024.
Traffic Advisory - Carter Road
CLEVELAND – On January 8, 2024 until January 23, 2024, Carter Road will be closed to through traffic between the Carter Road Lift Bridge and Columbus Road. Carter Road must be closed to traffic to safely finish utility work tie-ins.
Vehicle and pedestrian traffic will be detoured along Columbus Road – detour signs will be in place. During the work, traffic and pedestrian access may be temporarily restricted or delayed due to the contractor’s operations.
Motorist should be alert for traffic signage used to direct traffic at the designated repair work sites.
Should there be any questions, please contact the project manager, Mr. Mike Waina at 440-994-0563.
Lifeguard Training and Placement
Get paid to work poolside! Lifeguard Training and Placement: Six upcoming classes starting December 18th.
Winter Classes Now Accepting Registrations
Programs and services are available across the city’s 22 Neighborhood Resource & Recreation Centers. Opportunities in STEM, the arts, workforce training, fitness, and more are available.
Eagle Avenue Lift Bridge Public Notice
CLEVELAND – The Eagle Avenue Lift Bridge is scheduled for demolition between July 2024 and May 2025 with the principal work proceeding through the winter into spring. There will be impact to traffic on the Ohio & Erie Towpath Trail alongside Scranton Road and at the intersection with Carter Road at various times during that timeframe to protect the public.
2023-11-28 Eagle Avenue Bridge Public Notice - 4(f) De Minmis
Traffic Advisory - West 20th Place Resurfacing Project - North End to 50 Feet North of Smith Court (Wards 3)
CLEVELAND – Beginning November 15, 2023, weather permitting, the City will begin concrete roadway construction on West 20th Place from the North End to approximately 50’ north of Smith Court. There will be no access to West 20th Place from Smith Court for the duration of the project. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
The project includes removing the existing gravel roadway and placing concrete pavement. The work will take place during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The concrete roadway construction project is expected to complete by December 15, 2023, weather permitting.
Traffic Advisory - Huron Road - Ontario to Prospect (Ward 3)
CLEVELAND – Beginning Saturday November 11, 2023, Huron will be closed to through traffic from Ontario to Prospect. Huron will reopen on November 14 2023. The closure is necessary for the demolition of the 611 Huron Parking Structure.
Traffic Advisory - November 2: Center Street Swing Bridge - Detroit Avenue to Merwin Avenue - Ward 3
CLEVELAND – Beginning Monday, November 6, 2023, the Ohio Department of Transportation, through its contractor, will be con-ducting work on the Center Street Swing Bridge as part of the re-habilitation project. There will be two closures:
• Monday, November 6th – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• Tuesday November 7th – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Veterans Resource Fair
Veterans Resource Fair
When: Tuesday, November 8, 2023, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Where: Frederick Douglass Rec. Center, 15401 Miles Avenue, Cleveland
Superior Midway Project (East Roadway to East 55 Street)
Invite you to an Open House Presentation for the Superior Midway Project (East Roadway to East 55 Street). Important information about the ongoing, preliminary design will be presented. Design will be completed in late 2024 and construction is scheduled to begin in 2025.
When: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Where: Red Space, 2400 Superior Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44114
Traffic Advisory: Center Street Swing Bridge - Detroit Avenue to Merwin Avenue - Ward 3
CLEVELAND – Beginning Monday, October 23, 2023, the Ohio Department of Transportation will be conducting work on the Center Street Swing Bridge as part of the rehabilitation project. There will be four closures for testing purposes which will be as follows:
• Monday. October 23rd (7pm – 6 am)
• Tuesday, October 24th (7 pm - 6 am)
• Tuesday, October 24th (9 am - 11 am)
• Wednesday, October 25th (9 am - 12 pm)
Open House Presentation for the Superior Midway Project
Important information about the ongoing preliminary design will be presented. The design will be completed in late 2024 and construction is scheduled to begin in 2025.
Traffic Advisory: Rocky River Drive Concrete Repair Project - Lorain Avenue to McKinley Avenue - Ward 17
Beginning September 27, 2023, weather permitting, the City will start Phase 2 concrete repairs on Rocky River Drive from Lorain Avenue to McKinley Avenue. A portion of the street will be closed, and one lane of traffic will be maintained northbound. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project in the affected areas and no parking signs will be posted.
Phase 1 was completed in the winter of 2021-2022 from Munn Road south to Lorain Road. Phase 2 consists of concrete repairs from Munn Road north to McKinley Avenue and is expected to last approximately 8 weeks, weather permitting.
Traffic Advisory: City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – Ward 2
Revere Avenue, East 139th Street, East 118th Street, Glendale Avenue Beginning September 29, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 2. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements.
Traffic Advisory: City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – Ward 4
East 139th Street, East 98th Street, Dickens Avenue, Revere Avenue Beginning September 29, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 4. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements.
Traffic Advisory: City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – Ward 12
Beginning September 26, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 12. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements.
Carnegie Avenue Rehabilitation Project – Phase 1 - Public Information Presentation
To provide feedback from questions/comments asked at the first Design Public Meeting, which occurred on May 10, 2023
Traffic Advisory: East 105th Street Median Removal and Left Turn Lane Construction At Frank Avenue
Beginning Monday, September 18, 2023, weather permitting, Fairmount Properties will begin construction on the East 105th Street Median Removal and Left Turn Lane at Frank Avenue construction project.
Traffic Advisory: East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project
Beginning Monday, September 25, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will begin the construction of Phase 2 of the East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project which extends from Cedar Avenue to Chester Avenue.
Traffic Advisory: Euclid Ave. Closure (E. 6th St. – E. 9th St.)
Effective Friday morning, September 15th, at 6:00 a.m., Euclid Ave. will be closed between E. 6th St. and E. 9th St. for the removal of a tower crane at the City Club Apartments. A detour will be posted. Euclid Ave. will reopen on Monday, September 18th, at 6:00 a.m.
Lifeguard Training and Placement
Get paid to work poolside! Lifeguard Training and Placement: two upcoming classes starting September 18th.
Traffic Advisory: Willow Avenue Lift Bridge
Beginning Thursday, September 14, 2023, the City of Cleveland will inspect the Willow Avenue Lift Bridge located north of the Elm Street and River Road in-tersection to Whiskey Island Drive. The inspection is for one day and will begin at 7 a.m. and end at 5 p.m
Quigley Road and West 3rd Street Resurfacing Project (Clark Avenue to Stones Levee) Public Information Presentation
Important information about the upcoming construction project will be presented. Construction is currently scheduled to begin in July 2024 and to be completed by December 2024.
September 5th at 4:00 pm
Online Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 253 846 491 314
Passcode: pbJFQr
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Phone Conference ID: 969 276 005#
City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Beginning September 15, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 11. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be complete by the end of October 2023:
- West 122nd Street (Wanda Avenue to Sobieski Avenue)
- West 98th Street (Almira Avenue to Loretta Avenue)
- West 99th Street (Almira Avenue to Walford Avenue)
- West 110th Street (Almira Avenue to Florian Avenue)
- Bosworth Road (Bellaire Road to Briggs Road)
- West 127th Street (Kadel Avenue to Leeila Avenue)
- South Frontage (West 106th Street to West 103rd Street)
- Maywood Avenue (West 88th Street to West 97th Street)
Traffic Advisory: Carter Road Lift Bridge
Beginning Thursday, August 31, 2023, the City of Cleveland will inspect the Carter Road Lift Bridge located north of the Carter Road and south of Columbus Road. The inspection is for one day and will occur between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Traffic Advisory: Hickory Court Resurfacing Project
Beginning August 31, 2023, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on Hickory Court from East 12th Street to West End. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
Traffic Advisory: East 12th Street Resurfacing Project
Beginning August 31, 2023, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on East 12th Street from Euclid Avenue to Chester Avenue. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
City Announces Neighborhood Street Improvements: Ward 14
Beginning August 22nd, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 14. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets will be complete by the end of October 2023: Trent Avenue (Fulton Road to West 38th Street); Daisy Avenue (West 32nd Street to West 39th Place); West 32nd Street (Marvin Avenue to Daisy Avenue); West 88th Street (Denison Avenue to Brinsmade Avenue); Kouba Avenue (West 48th Street to West 56th Street).
City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Beginning August 22, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 17. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be completed in mid-October: Montrose Avenue (Glencliffe Road to Warren Road); Riveredge Road (Larchwood Avenue to End); Old Lorain Road (Lorain Avenue to Valley Parkway); West 183th Street (Puritas Avenue to Ponciana Avenue).
City Announces Neighborhood Street Improvements
Beginning August 23, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 15. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be completed in mid-October: West 115th Street (Lake Avenue to Harborview Drive); West 89th Street (Madison Avenue to Sauer Avenue); West 85th Street (Madison Avenue to Willard Avenue); Scott Court (West 57th Street to Dead End); Ellen Avenue (West 58th Street to West 65th Street); Mirlo Court (West 67th Street to Approximately 300’ West of West 67th Street).
City Announces Back to Basics Street Improvements Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Beginning August 25, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Back to Basics Street Improvement Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will begin in Ward 3. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. The following streets are expected to be completed in mid-October: Erin Avenue (West 38th Street to West 32nd Street); Train Avenue (Richner Avenue to Vega Avenue); Center Street (Center Street Swing Bridge to Robert Lockwood Junior Drive); Center Street (River Road to Center Street Swing Bridge).
Traffic Advisory: Ward 11
Beginning August 7th, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 11. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. Affected streets include West 94th Street, West 97th Street, Brookfield Avenue, Jasper Road, and Kensington Avenue. Work is expected to be completed by the end of September 2023.
Traffic Advisory: Pipeline Infrastructure Improvements Update - Lee Road
On Wednesday, August 9, 2023, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets: Lee Road (from McCracken Road to Seville Road), Seville Road (from Lee Road to 16306 Seville Road), and Myrtle Avenue (from Lee Road to 16304 Myrtle Avenue. This project is scheduled for completion in November 2023.
Traffic Advisory: Pipeline Infrastructure Improvements Update- Eliot Avenue & East 102 Street
On Monday, July 31, 2023, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets: Eliot Avenue (South side from East 102nd Street to East 110th Street), East 102 Street (from Marah Avenue to Heath Avenue), and Raymond Avenue (North side from East 93rd Street to East 102nd Street). This project is scheduled for completion in September 2023. Permanent restorations will be completed in October 2023.
Traffic Advisory: Ward 1
Beginning July 25th, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 1. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. Affected streets include Alonzo Avenue, Strandhill Road, Glendale Avenue, and Woda Avenue. Work is expected to be completed by the end of September 2023.
Board of Revision of Assessments Meeting Scheduled for August 24
The Board of Revision of Assessments (“Board”) has scheduled a meeting to hear objections to the following street vacation resolution:
- Resolution No. 44-2023 – To vacate all of East 59th Street, from Central Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue and all of Hawthorne Court, from East 59th Street to East 61st Street.
The Board has scheduled its meeting for August 24, 2023, at 1:30 p.m, in Room 514, City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114. Your attendance at this meeting is optional, unless you are opposed to the proposed vacation, or there are City of Cleveland Departmental charges involved.
If you have questions regarding this notification, please email or call (216) 664-3875, Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Open House for Eagle Avenue Bridge Press Release
The City of Cleveland, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), would like to invite the public to participate in a virtual open house to learn more about the proposed project to remove the Eagle Avenue Bridge over the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland. Due to its poor physical condition and increasingly rapid deterioration, the City of Cleveland has determined that removing the existing bridge is the safest and most cost-effective alternative that satisfies the purpose of the project.
Mayor Justin M. Bibb's 2023 Budget Book
The City of Cleveland’s budget is one of the most important documents that the City prepares as it identifies the services to be provided and how they will be financed. This document is designed to assist the reader in understanding the City’s budgetary processes and resultant budgets. It includes a 3 year historical budgetary line item of expenses and revenue, as well as detailed staffing levels for every department.
Traffic Advisory: Ward 4
Beginning July 26th, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 4. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements. Affected streets include East 123rd Street, East 129th Street, East 128th Street, Parkview Avenue, East 113th Street, and Kolar Avenue. Work is expected to be completed by the end of August 2023.
Traffic Advisory: West Franklin Boulevard Rehabilitation Project
Beginning, Monday July 10th, The Perk Company will close Franklin Blvd. at the intersections of West 48th Street and West 38th Street. The West 45th street intersection will remain open to all traffic.
Traffic Advisory: East 123rd Street Resurfacing Project
Beginning July 12, 2023, weather permitting, the City will begin asphalt resurfacing on East 123rd Street from Superior Avenue to Durant Avenue. A portion of the street will be closed and one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction. A complete closure is not expected to occur. No on-street parking will be permitted for the duration of the project.
Traffic Advisory: Ward 2 Resurfacing Project
Beginning June 26th, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 2. Affected streets include Effie Road, East 106th Street, East 112th Street, East 119th Street, Beachwood Avenue, and East 144th.
Traffic Advisory: Pipeline Infrastructure Improvements Update - East 146 Street & St. Clair Ave
On Thursday, July 6, 2023, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin in parts of Ward 10. The project is scheduled for completion in September 2023. Streets impacted include East 146 Street, East 147 Street, Galewood Drive, and Ingalton Avenue.
Traffic Advisory: Euclid Ave Resurfacing Project
On Monday June 26, 2023, weather permitting, the ODOT’s contractor will begin mobilizing and establishing traffic controls on Euclid Avenue from Ivanhoe Road to Upper Valley Drive. Resurfacing of approximately 1.24 miles of Euclid Ave. from Ivanhoe Road / West Belvoir Blvd. to Upper Valley Drive is scheduled to be completed in November 2023.
Traffic Advisory: Pipeline Infrastructure Imrpovements Update - Dominioin Energy Ohio Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement Project - PIR 2847 - St. Clair & Addison Ave
On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, Dominion Energy Ohio’s gas pipeline infrastructure replacement project will begin on the following streets:
- Saint Clair Avenue – South Side from East 64 Street to East 69th Street
- Addison Avenue – From Saint Clair Avenue to Superior Avenue
- Bayliss Avenue – North side from East 67 Street to Addison Avenue
- Hecker Avenue – North side from East 71 Street to Addison Avenue
- Bliss Avenue – From Saint Clair Avenue to East 71 St
- East 66 Street – From Saint Clair Avenue to Bliss Avenue
- East 67 Street – From Saint Clair Avenue to Bliss Avenue
Traffic Advisory: Carrol Ave, Cyril Ave, Fruit Ave, West 47th Street, West 48th Street, West 18th Place
Beginning June 28th, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland’s Residential Resurfacing Program will continue in Ward 3. Advance notice signs will be posted to advise the public of road improvements.
City of Cleveland Community Choice Aggregation
We are very pleased to announce the City of Cleveland has finalized the roll-out of the 2023 Community Choice Electricity Aggregation to our eligible residents and small commercial businesses, starting in August 2023, thanks to City Council’s timely legislative approvals and work by our program partner Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council - SOPEC. Through our group buying power with selected aggregator SOPEC, the city administration was able to secure a very competitive default ‘opt-out’ 1 year fixed rate of 6.302 cents/kWh for the electricity supply, backed by 100% Green-e certified Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). This price will save the average residential electricity account approximately $200 over the next year, compared to the Illuminating Company’s default electricity supply rates (12.4 cent/kWh). As early as Tuesday, June 20th, eligible Cleveland residents can expect to see letters from SOPEC that outline the community choice aggregation program, including “opt-out” pathways. For questions related to the program, contact SOPEC at 1877-648-1937 If you are a low-income household experiencing high energy burdens, we encourage you to enroll into utility assistance programs. Please contact either CHN Housing Partners or Step Forward for information at 216-350-8008
For more information and the latest updates, please visit
Traffic Advisory: West 3rd Street Closure Between Superior Ave & Frankfort Ave
Starting April 24, 2023, W. 3rd Street will be fully closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic between Superior Avenue and Frankfort Avenue until November 2024 due to the construction of the Sherwin Williams Headquarters. Signage detailing detours will be in place at that time. Please expect delays in this area.
Traffic Advsiory: East 140th Street Rehabilitation & Streetscape Project St. Clair Ave to Lakeshore Boulevard
Beginning Monday, May 8, 2023, weather permitting, ODOT will begin construction of Stage 1 work on East 140th Street between St. Clair Avenue and Aspinwall Avenue.
Traffic Advisory: West Franklin Boulevard Rehabilitation Project West 85th Street to West 25th Street
Beginning Monday, April 3, 2023, weather permitting, the City of Cleveland will begin the construction of Phase 2 of the West Franklin Boulevard Rehabilitation Project from West 50th Street to West 25th Street.
Division of Recreation Now Hiring
Traffic Advisory: East 185th Street Rehabilitation & Streetscape Project Nottingham Road to Lake Erie
Beginning Wednesday, March 22, 2023, weather permitting, ODOT will begin construction of Phase 2 work on East 185th Street between Nottingham Road and Pawnee Avenue.
Traffic Advisory: East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project Woodland Ave to Chester Ave
Beginning Monday, March 13, 2023, The City of Cleveland will begin the East 79th Street Rehabilitation Project from Woodland Avenue to Chester Avenue. The project includes resurfacing of 1.28 miles of East 79th St from Woodland Ave. to Chester Ave.
Board of Control to Hold Weekly Meetings
The Board of Control will meet in person on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, in the Mayor's Office Red Room, Room 202, 2nd Floor, City Hall. Upon entry to Room 202, the Red Room is the first door on the left.
The current agenda is available here. Meeting minutes are published in the City Record.
Under the conditions specified by law, a WebEx session will be used to facilitate and record the meetings and the meetings will be live streamed on YouTube.
Anyone wishing to address the Board on any agenda item may do so with the permission of the Board, but in no case, shall the address exceed five minutes in duration unless additional time is allowed by the Board. We ask individuals who wish to address the Board on an agenda item to contact the Department of Law by email or phone (email is preferred). Individuals not seeking to address the Board during the WebEx session are encouraged to view one of the live streams.
If you wish to attend or participate virtually in the Board of Control meeting, please send a request by email, no later than 12:00 noon Wednesday, to Alberto Guzman, copy(CC) to Jeffrey Marks, Tiffany Fischbach, Vishnu Ganglani, Patricia Aston, and Jason Shachner.