The Mission of the Office of the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects (MOCAP)is to provide for the planning, design, construction, and preservation of the City of Cleveland's facilities and infrastructure through collaborative and comprehensive planning, leadership in management, excellence in sustainable design and technical expertise, and quality construction based on integrity and professionalism.
MOCAP oversees pavement reconstruction, rehabilitation, and resurfacing, bridge repairs, bike facilities, sidewalk repairs, real estate functions, parks, public facilities, and recreation projects. These projects represent a commitment to building a better and more equitable Cleveland for all residents.
The Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects is comprised of three (3) Divisions. View each Division page for related forms and publications.
Division of Real Estate
Susanne DeGennaro – Commissioner of Real Estate -- realestate@clevelandohio.gov
The Division of Real Estate manages transactions and real estate functions for various departments of City government, including acquisitions, sales, and leases of City property that are not within the City’s Land Bank.
Division of Architecture and Site Development
Mark Duluk, AIA – Manager, Division of Architecture and Site Development -- DASD@clevelandohio.gov
The Architecture section of the Division designs and prepares building surveys, preliminary drawings, estimates, detailed drawings, and specifications for all buildings under the charge of the City of Cleveland. The Site Development section provides research, landscape and architectural /site plans, and technical assistance to the department. Its activities include the development and monitoring of comprehensive departmental Capital Improvement Programs.
Division of Engineering and Construction
Rick Switalski, PE – Engineering & Construction Administrative Manager -- EngineeringDesign@clevelandohio.gov
The Division of Engineering and Construction manages the City's public right of way in a manner that ensures the safe passage of pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles as they commute to and from their neighborhoods by developing and implementing plans for repairs and construction of streets, bridges, and sidewalks.
Recent Projects
Current Projects

Programs, Projects & Portfolios
The City of Cleveland Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects (MOCAP) oversees various portfolios, programs, and services committed to building a better and more equitable Cleveland for all residents.
Mayor’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
The office is responsible for the administration, monitoring, and enforcement of the City’s minority and female-owned business enterprise programs; the new programs for smaller, local businesses; Fannie M. Lewis Cleveland Resident Employment Law programs; and prevailing wage compliance.
City Land Bank
The City of Cleveland’s Land Reutilization (Land Bank) Program is designed to acquire vacant land and market it to individuals, developers, and non-profit organizations for redevelopment. The goal is to contribute to the economic, social and environmental betterment of the City through redevelopment of city-owned land.
Invitations to Bid
The Division of Purchases and Supplies manages all purchases for the City of Cleveland. All purchases are processed in accordance with the Charter, City Policies and the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, including approval by the Board of Control for purchases in excess of $50,000.00. Under the direction of the Board of Control, purchases are processed in accordance with the Charter of the City of Cleveland and all other applicable City policies and ordinances.
Requests for Proposals/Requests for Qualifications
Job Openings
The City makes every effort to recruit the most qualified applicants available to serve the residents and visitors of Cleveland.