What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement?
A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a legally binding contract between an employer and a labor union that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the workers who comprise the bargaining unit and are represented by a union. The negotiation and creation of a CBA is known as collective bargaining. Collective bargaining in the Ohio Public Sector is governed by Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code.
2022-2025 Cleveland Association of Rescue Employees CBA
2022-2025 Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council CBA
2022-2025 Cleveland Firefighters, Local 93 CBA
2022-2025 Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association (CPPA) Non-Civilian CBA
2022-2025 Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 8 CBA
2022-2025 Local 100, AFSCME Ohio Council 8
2022-2025 Local 860 Non-Supervisory
2022-2025 Local 860 Supervisory
2022-2025 Ohio Nurses Association AFT, AFL-CIO CBA
2022-2025 Service Employee International Union, Local 1
2022-2025 Service Employees, Maintenance Employees, Local 1 CBA
2022-2025 Teamsters Local 507 (Non Seasonal BU)
2022-2025 Teamsters Local 507 (Seasonal BU)
2022-2025 Teamsters Local 507 (Utilities Supervisors)
2022-2025 Teamsters, Local 507 MOU with Truck Drivers
2019-2021 Local l93 (Division of Fire) CBA
2019-2021 Teamster's Union Local 507
2019-2022 CBA Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council (BT)
2019-2022 CBA Cleveland Finger printers and Scientific Examiners (OLCI)
2019-2022 CBA Cleveland Police Parolmen's Association (CPPA) Civillian Personnel
2019-2022 CBA International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 38
2019-2022 CBA Local Int'l Assoc of Machinsts 439
2019-2022 CBA Painters and Allied Trades - Local 639
2019-2022 CBA Plumbers Inspectors, Local 55
2019-2022 CBA Service Equipment Maintenance Employees (SEME) Local 1
2019-2022 CBA Stage Employees, Local 0027
2019-2022 CBA Teamsters Union Local 507
2019-2022 CBA Teamsters Union, Local 507 Seasonal Employees
2019-2022 CBA Treasurers and Ticket Sellers Union, Local 756
2019-2022 CBA Utility Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 270
2019-2022 CPPA Non Civilian CBA
2019-2022 Local 860 (Non-Supervisory)
2019-2022 Local 93 Division of Fire Safety Supervisors CBA
2019-2022 Ohio Nurses Association CBA
2019-2022 Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, Local 270 CBA