216.664.3104 - Weekdays 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
The goal of Urban Forestry is to provide a safe urban forest while striving to preserve its natural beauty. This office's activities include the pruning of street trees, the removal of trees that are a risk to public safety, and the planting of street trees (when funding is available).
Request Service on a Public Tree
You can request tree care for public trees along streets, in tree lawns, parks, and vacant lots. You can also request a free tree planting on your tree lawn!
Note: You will need to create an account to request service.

Urban Forestry Commission
The City of Cleveland’s Urban Forestry Commission will serve in an advisory capacity to assist the Mayor, Cleveland City Council, the Urban Forestry Section of the Division of Park Maintenance and Properties, and the City Planning Commission in ensuring that the many benefits trees provide to citizens of the City are realized.
Emerald Ash Borer Information
The City of Cleveland Urban Forestry Section is removing all ash trees in the right-of-way.
For those with ash trees, the City recommends contacting an ISA-Certified Arborist to evaluate them and to discuss options. For more information, visit the Emerald Ash Borer Information Network or view the Emerald Ash Borer Infestation Map.
Once ash trees are removed, homeowners can call the Urban Forestry Section at 216.664.3104 for a replacement tree. The intake department will record all requests and trees will be planted when a funding source is identified.
Trees and Sidewalks
Homeowners with time-sensitive needs for sidewalk repair, who are not part of the Tree-Damaged Sidewalk Program can request assistance from Urban Forestry.
First, a sidewalk replacement permit must be obtained from the Bureau of Sidewalks by calling 216.664.7434. Once a permit is in hand, the homeowner may call Urban Forestry to schedule a tree and root assessment. In order for the Forester to assess the roots, damaged sidewalk panels must be removed.
If the tree cannot be retained during construction, Urban Forestry will remove it. If roots need to be removed, that will be scheduled after the Ohio Utility Protection Service has marked the site to avoid contact with underground utilities. Removal of the damaged sidewalk, as well as costs associated with the installation of new cement, is the responsibility of the property owner.
Trimming Back Overhanging Branches
Landowners have the right to trim vertically and remove overhanging obstructions from above their side of the fence. Ohio courts recognize this privilege to remove obstructions, but not without limitations.
Ohio courts do not permit landowners to cause harm to the other side of the property line. A landowner should be careful not to damage the neighbor’s trees or trespass on to the neighbor’s property when trimming overhanging branches. Landowners may be liable to a neighbor if they recklessly damage a neighbor’s tree when removing overhanging branches.
Landowners should review their rights and responsibilities to maintain fences prior to clearing the fence row. For more information on line fence law, visit the Ag Law Library.

Threats From Insects
This division will remove wasp, hornet, or bee nests from city-owned trees if found to pose a threat to public safety.
Tree Roots in Sewers
Urban Forestry does not remove a tree when roots have made their way into water or sewer pipes.
Much like gutters should be cleaned of debris to prevent gutter overflow, each homeowner is responsible for annual maintenance of their sewer laterals.